What part of your humanity are cultural boycott ringleaders asking you to give up?

What part of your humanity are cultural boycott ringleaders asking you to give up?
And will you do it?

Cultural boycott “campaigns” are asking us to do something that tears at the very fabric of what makes us human beings: to de-humanize a particular people by equating their art and their culture with particular policies of their government that they themselves may even oppose.

I’d like to think that we, as citizens of this world, are better than that.

I choose to believe that the very feelings that inspire us to look at a piece of art from Iran or a film from an Israeli director and say “that is beautiful” will also inspire us to say “this should be shared.”
You have to ask yourself if they are so bold as to tell you to surrender your inner voice, what are they willing to do to those who speak out?

Lana Melman